Interview Magazine #2

Posted in Fashion, Film, food, graphic design, lifestyle, magazines, photography, writing on February 28th, 2012
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Interview #2

“Ich möchte ein Kleiderbügel sein” – Anna dello Russo.

Die Märzausgabe von INTERVIEW ist da! Die Designerin Miuccia Prada spricht über die neue Leichtigkeit ihrer Mode. Die Schauspielerin Sibel Kekilli über ihren Aufstieg zum HBO-Star und die Gewalt türkischer Männer. Der Regisseur Klaus Lemke blickt zurück auf seine wilden Tage mit Brigitte Bardot und Iris Berben. Der Schauspieler Michael Fassbender erklärt, wie man einen Sexsüchtigen spielt. Der japanische Superstar Takashi Murakami trifft die Streetart-Legende Kaws. Die beiden Depeche-Mode-Gründer Vince Clark und Martin Gore erzählen, wie sie 30 Jahre nach ihrer Trennung gemeinsam ein Techno-Album aufnahmen, ohne sich ein einziges Mal zu treffen. Plus: Anna Dello Russo, Italiens größte Mode-Exzentrikerin, und ihr Leben zwischen Front Row, Internet und privatem Couture-Archiv.

D 6€


Dust #2: Roots

Posted in Fashion, magazines, photography on February 8th, 2012
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Dust #2: Roots

DUST is a new refreshing fashion & art magazine. With a biannual publishing frequency, Dust was born in early 2010 with the desire to provide a new and different point of view to the fashion magazine market.

We feel the need of filling the gaps that the rest of magazines leave, fighting in a certain way, against the increasingly stronger elitist spirit of the publishing world.

We bet and support artist’s collaborations, whether they are anonymous or upcoming ones, we’d like to search new talents, since we are interested on the real quality of their work, and not only on the name of the people who made it.
We want artists to feel completely free to develop and vent their own needs so they can create their works without any fear or vain censures. We will go deep into the artist’s world, interviewing and meeting them, in order to get a real knowledge of their creations and personality. We want fashion to become something much closer to an artistic point of view than to a commercial atmosphere, as we consider it as a path for creation and not the opposite.

That’s why we are not interested in the collection’s date, or the suitable time for promotion since we consider that art and fashion are always contemporary. DUST is a London based magazine, even if it’s made and produced in different cities around the world, such as New York, Madrid, Berlin, Milan and Paris by a specific team of creative minds that want to renew the current situation with this new thriving project.

D 15€


Novembre #4

Posted in Fashion, magazines on February 6th, 2012

Novembre Magazine is devoted to “arts and fashion practices in Switzerland and the world” and is published twice a year, spring and fall.

Contributors to issue 4, fall/winter 11-12:

Alec Bryan Alex Perweiler Alistair James Holloway Athene Galiciadis Aya Murai Beda Achermann Belinda Hall Bénédicte Cazau Beyret Benjamin Valenza Bruna Kazinoti Carole Colombanle Carolin Maxime Ackermann Cécile Maurer Charles Negre Charlötte Cargnello Charlotte Herzig Cheong Kwon Chiao Shen Christophe Dillinger Claude Lévêque Claudia Comte Clémence Cahu Christian Fiege Cristiano Raimondi Curtat Tunnel Dan Solbach

21 × 28 cm, 396 pages, full colour
French/English/German texts
ISSN 1664-0454

D 10€


Matter Magazine #1. A Modern Journal For Men That Matter. Digital Good Times.

Posted in Fashion, magazines, men on December 14th, 2011
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Matter Magazine #1. A Modern Journal For Men That Matter. Digital Good Times.

Matter is a new biannual publication that records the ways in which new and developing technology affects culture, lifestyle, fashion, and the arts.

Created by the studio behind the acclaimed arts and culture magazine Kilimanjaro, Matter shares the former’s curatorial approach to design and content. Designed to appeal to a consumer eager to tap into an ever-changing and increasingly sophisticated world, with particular regard to the twin disciplines of high-end design and culture, its inaugural issue is covered by the iconic trip-hop artist Tricky, who talks exclusively to Matter about music, imperfection, and reinvention.

Matter’s unique selling point is the fact that it is the first art and style publication to examine these subjects through the lens of modern technology; in doing so, it brings together the creative and the rational in a way which is rarely seen in the realms of printed matter.

First issue includes: Dieter Rams, Ole Scheeren, Matthew Collings, Pierre Huyghe & William Gibson. / Google’s Creative Director of Data Arts, Aaron Koblin, on digital art. / Iconic fashion designer Rick Owens presents an Anthology Of Colour. / Editor Jennifer Higgie on twenty years of Frieze magazine. / Art & The Automobile, featuring the American artists Richard Prince and Erwin Wurm. / Tate Exhibitions Curator Tanya Barson on the Lyon Biennale. / Celebrated conceptual artist Lawrence Weiner, shot by NY underground photographer Ari Marcopolous. / Photographer – and former director of Dior Homme – Hedi Slimane’s best images of women.

D € 10


Nicht Jetzt! #3: Geschmack. Das Studentische Magazin Des Department Design Der HAW Hamburg

Posted in Fashion, graphic design, illustration, magazines on November 22nd, 2011
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Nicht Jetzt! Das Studentische Magazin Des Department Design Der HAW Hamburg

»Nicht Jetzt!« ist das studentische Magazin des Department Design der HAW Hamburg.
Nach den Ausgaben »Kinder« und »Geld« beschäftigt sich die dritte monothematische
Ausgabe mit dem Thema GESCHMACK.

Inhaltlich spannt sich der Bogen auf 176 Seiten von Geschmack als ästhetischem
Urteilsbegriff bei Kant über Verunstaltungsverbote in Bauordnungen bis hin zu Blümchen-
tapete – und von Trends im Design über Kleidung aus Barbiepuppen bis zum krankhaften
Verlust des Geschmackssinnes.

»Nicht Jetzt!« versteht sich als interdisziplinäres Projekt von Studierenden der Bereiche
Illustration, Fotografie und Grafikdesign und wurde betreut von Professor Stefan Stefanescu.
In der dritten Ausgabe sind, neben den Texten verschiedenster Autoren, Arbeiten von neun
Fotografen sowie zwölf Illustratoren veröffentlicht. Trotz aller Ernsthaftigkeit des Projekts
wird das Magazin von den Studenten als Raum für Spiel und Experiment verstanden – auch,
was Druck und Bindung des Heftes angeht. Die Kombination von Dünndruck-, offenem und
Hochglanzpapier, Irisdruck und offener Schweizer Broschur steht für diese Experimentier-

Redaktion & Gestaltung: Charlotte Bräuer, Lynn Dohrmann, Karina Donis, Franziska Ebert, Tillmann Engel, Marie Hochhaus, Louise Jessen, Cyrill Kuhlmann, Carsten Lerch, Benjamin Stracker

D 13€


OE Magazine #2: Oh, What A Colourful World

Posted in Fashion, magazines on November 22nd, 2011
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OE Magazine #2: Oh, What A Colourful World

Œ is an independent fashion magazine from Berlin. Twice a year, it acts as a platform for the German, and particularly the Berlin fashion scene.

Œ largely refrains from ‘describing’ current trends and ideas in fashion, but instead concentrates on showing fashion by purely focusing on images. In every issue, 10 photo editorials reveal what keeps designers, photographers, stylists and hair & make-up artists moving these days.

When it comes to production Œ strives to maximise the potential of printed matter. Different paper qualities and special production features make Œ an item that people like to hold, keep and collect.

D 15€


032c Magazine #22

Posted in Fashion, magazines, writing on November 21st, 2011
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032c Magazine #22

032c is a contemporary culture magazine that fiercely believes in the intelligence of its readers, and rises to the challenge of surprising them. Published twice a year, it is both timely and timeless—a celebration of and for the most cutting-edge in art, culture, and fashion.

Finding the new in the old and the old in the new, it is considered the “Berlin magazine that propagates an aesthetic of brutal elegance” by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, or simply as the “revue ultra-pointue” by Vogue Paris.

D € 10


Dapper Dan #4. Men’s Fashion & Philosophy. Autumn/Winter 2011.

Posted in Fashion, men on November 11th, 2011
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Dapper Dan Issue 04. Edited by Nicholas Georgiou, Vassilis Karidis.

Dapper Dan is a men’s magazine that is interested in inspiration, not novelty; in looking one’s own terms rather than being spoon-fed trends. It is created in Athens, Greece, by an international team and published twice a year, spanning fashion, culture and philosophy through striking photography and thoughtful texts. Eschewing the clichéd rules of men’s magazines, it follows a spirit, not a format. Dapper Dan is for the man who doesn’t feel he should have to be like everybody else.

D €8,50


Encens #27 – Back to Japan / 2012

Posted in Fashion, magazines on October 19th, 2011
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Encens #27 – Back to Japan / 2012

Featuring: Deorah Turbeville, Zoran, Gerard Pipart, Mary Mcfadden, Yvonne Sporre, Mako Yamzaki….

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The Gentlewoman Issue #4

Posted in Fashion, magazines, Motto Berlin store, photography, writing on October 1st, 2011
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The Gentlewoman issue #4

The fourth edition of The Gentlewoman features fascinating conversations with women who are masters of their respective crafts. Actress Olivia Williams, author Jennifer Egan, fashion recruitment mogul Floriane de Saint Pierre, CEO Apollonia Poilâne, jewellery designer Gaia Repossi and actress Sofie Gråbøl discuss how they forged brilliant careers and new vocations through their style, virtuosity and force of will. For added viewing pleasure, this issue also boasts a wealth of fantastic fashion stories – from chic solutions for the working day to modern propositions for glamorous evenings.

The Gentlewoman is a fabulous biannual magazine for modern women of purpose. Featuring ambitious journalism and photography of the highest quality, the magazine celebrates inspirational, international women through its distinctive combination of glamour, personality and wit. The Gentlewoman offers a fresh and intelligent perspective on fashion that is focused on personal style – the way women actually look, think and dress.

D 7,50€
