Möhren in Athen

Posted in food, Motto Berlin store, Zines on July 13th, 2010
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Möhren in Athen by Erik Steinbrecher

For his show Wind in Athens/Möhren in Athen Erik Steinbrecher left Berlin for Athens, his suitcase packed with carrots. The artist’s art odyssee began. His chosen site for an intervention was the National Archaeological Museum. During his visit in the collection Steinbrecher installed single carrots in the exposition spaces; close to sculptures and artfacts, on bases and behind walls. For this publication Steinbrecher overworked these documents making up the images with cancarrots.

16 pages

Published by Nieves

D 8€

Buy: orders@mottodistribution.com

Schluss mit Öko. Erik Steinbrecher

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Motto Berlin store, Motto Zürich store, photography on July 10th, 2010
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Erik Steinbrecher left Berlin for Switzerland, his suitcase packed with 1000 supermarket bought meatballs and a pair of baguettes cast in aluminum, for his exhibition ‘Schluss mit Öko’ (An End to Eco), 27th October to 22nd December 2007. The setting: a barn and a meadow in the mountain region Amden am Walensee. A hundred years earlier, ‘Lebensreformer’ from Berlin had undertaken the same journey. Their destination in Amden was the Grappenhof Colony founded by businessman and prophet Josua Klein (1867-1945), who was raised in Meran, and had made his fortune in the United States. The founders of the vegetarian settlement Monte Verità at Lake Maggiore observed the activities at Walensee with keen interest. The belief that it lies within an individual’s power to withdraw from the consequences of historical processes through their negation, or at least suppression, formed the core of the settlers’ self-reflection, and was widespread throughout the Grappenhof. This, together with the firm belief that the germ for a new and better world lies in every micro-society, is described by American cultural critic Greil Marcus as the myth of freedom in his book Lipstick Traces. Elements of this narrative turn up in the Chiliasmus of the middle ages as much as in modern totalitarianism’s internalized beliefs for a world solution, or the avant-garde movements’ striving towards the absolute. This belief was also in effect later in the artistic circle of the Bern painter Otto Meyer Amden (1885-1933), who came to the village in 1912 together with artist friends such as Oskar Schlemmer and Willi Baumeister, and stayed in Amden until 1928.

Erik Steinbrecher
Schluss mit Öko
ed. Roman Kurzmeyer, Basel
argobooks, 2010
ISBN: 978-3-941560-69-7
D 18€


Erik Steinbrecher. Schluss mit Öko book launch @ Motto Berlin. 09.07.2010

Posted in Motto Berlin event, Motto Berlin store on July 7th, 2010
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Friday July 9, 2010 7p.m.

Motto and argobooks are pleased to announce the launch of the book

Erik Steinbrecher
Schluss mit Öko
ed. Roman Kurzmeyer, Basel
argobooks, 2010
ISBN: 978-3-941560-69-7
www. http://www.argobooks.de/

A selection of further publications by Erik Steinbrecher will be presented:

Möhren in Athen, 2010
Starker Tobak, 2010
Wind in Athens, 2009
Hippie (revised), 2009
Buy Buy, 2008
Superfundi, 2007
Stubborn Statue, 2007