FAKTUR 04. Pep Avilés (Ed.). Faktur

Posted in magazines on January 28th, 2023
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Fall 2022


Unspoken and Overheard: Archives, Accounts, and Acts at the Memorial to Enslaved Laborers at the University of Virginia
Eric Höweler

Real Estate Bubble Architecture: On the Complicity Between Design and Real Estate
Lluís Alexandre Casanovas Blanco

A Kitchen Is Not A Refrigerator
Ben Goldner & Emma Leigh Macdonald

Log-in Labor, Log-in Leisure
Alessandro Orsini & Nick Roseboro

Continuity and Change: Consideration of Urban Littoral Ecology
Magdalena Haggärde and Gisle Løkken

Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt, Ed., “Paths to Prison: On the Architectures of Carcerality,” by Daphne Bakker; Ana María León, “Modernity for the Masses. Antonio Bonet’s Dreams for Buenos Aires,” by Florencia Alvarez Pacheco; Daniel Barber, “Modern Architecture and Climate: Design before Air Conditioning,” by André Tavares; Smiljan Radic, “Obra Gruesa,” by Matthew Kennedy.

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Principles of Modern Architecture. Hwang Eunyoung. Kkamanke Press

Posted in Zines on January 27th, 2023
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Nest: A Quarterly of Interiors #10 (Fall 2000). Joseph Holtzman (Ed.). Nest LLC

Posted in magazines on January 26th, 2023
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Fall 2000 issue of Nest: A Quarterly of Interiors

Special edition wrapped with a plastic slipcover.

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Merci Danke Grazie. Sophia Eisenhut, Simon Freund, Leonie Herweg, Olga Hohmann. Windparks books

Posted in illustration, research, writing on January 25th, 2023
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ca. 100 Hundetüten gesammelt von Simon Freund, kuratiert von Leonie Herweg, gesetzt von Paul Jürgens, mit Texten von Sophia Eisenhut und Olga Hohmann. Jedes Buch ist ein Unikat, die Anordnung der Bilder variiert.

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Rome. Paolo di Lucente. Veii

Posted in photography on January 24th, 2023
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In the United States, there are many cities called Rome. These pictures document the photographer’s journey from Rome to Rome across North America. Fuelled by a curiosity for these parallel ‘eternal’ cities, this body of work subtly mixes genres. Here, the American road trip meets the postcards of imperial Rome. Both subjects have been overly photographed; with their essence exhausted by representation, the allure of the American Dream and a never-ending fascination with the remnants of history.

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Companion #07: Motion. Karel Martens. Kunstverein München and Roma Publications

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, graphic design, video on January 23rd, 2023
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This publication is part of Motion, a major exhibition by Dutch artist, graphic designer, and educator Karel Martens at Kunstverein München.

Co-edited by Martens and Julie Peeters, the bulk of the content for this book comes from the video Not for Resale – a sequence of photographs from Martens’ studio wall in Hoog Keppel in 2000. The videos Lost & Found (2004), and Tol (2008) are also included in the book, as well as a transcription of a conversation between Martens and Kunstverein director Chris Fitzpatrick, followed by an afterword (both in English and German).

Edited by Karel Martens and Julie Peeters
Texts by Chris Fitzpatrick and Karel Martens
Designed by Julie Peeters

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January 2023 Music Mix

Posted in Motto Berlin store, music, vinyl on January 21st, 2023
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6 Graphic Etudes, Richard Scott, arbitrary, 2022

Dear friends and colleagues, 

We hope you had a great start to 2023!

After a very brief hiatus we are back on deck and ready to share with you our newest musical arrivals. Make sure to check Motto’s full catalogue for an immersive experience and our Motto Disco page, revived and refreshed especially for your ears.

To hear a selection of sounds from these albums, follow this link to our new mix created by Max Parnell.

The mix features sounds from:

King Gong
Richard Scott
Kristen Oppenheim
YL Hsueh
Vladislav Delay & Eivind Aarset
Sonic Boom / Papiro
DJ Fusiller x Fusiller

We hope you enjoy!

New Forms of Art and Contagious Mental Illness. Carl Julius Salomonsen. New Documents

Posted in Uncategorized on January 20th, 2023
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Over the years 1919–20, the celebrated medical scientist and doctor Carl Julius Salomonsen began giving public lectures and publishing pamphlets regarding a new “epidemic” that had begun to affect the European populace: the increasing ubiquity of modernist art.

In a 1919 pamphlet titled New Forms of Art and Contagious Mental Illness, he wrote: “We stand, at this moment, before a movement in art which is psychopathic in character, and whose victorious journey through all countries is probably caused by the same spiritual disease that gave the older, religious spiritual epidemic such a powerful spread.” This pamphlet and the accompanying talks were countered by a retaliatory pamphlet published by members of Grønningen, a Copenhagen modernist painters group, to which Salomonsen responded with a further pamphlet.

Translated into English for the first time by literary theorist Andrew Hodgson, the entire altercation is gathered in this book, documenting one of the earliest rejections of modernist art.

Edited & Translated by Andrew Hodgson

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21.01: “Playing with Ludwig / Jouer avec Ludwig” by Nikolaus Gansterer, Klaus Speidel | book launch @ Galerie Crone Berlin

Posted in Events, Exhibitions on January 20th, 2023
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Playing with Ludwig / Jouer avec Ludwig
Nikolaus Gansterer & Klaus Speidel
Published by Éditions Dilecta, 2022

Book launch

21 January 2023
from 4pm

Galerie Crone Berlin
Fasanenstrasse 29
10719 Berlin

How do colours relate to memory? How does language relate to the world (and vice versa)? Can the invisible, such as thoughts, atmospheres or pain, be grasped through art? Artist Nikolaus Gansterer and philosopher Klaus Speidel discuss these and similar questions in their new book Playing with Ludwig / Jouer avec Ludwig, published by Éditions Dilecta and Centre d’art contemporain Les Tanneries. Taking Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations as their starting point, Gansterer and Speidel have developed various works and formats, talking, drawing, assembling or doing all at the same time. Rather than just presenting results, the book documents the joint working process in numerous transcripts, which also reflect the genesis of the book itself. 

In the context of Nikolaus Gansterer’s exhibition Strange Wor(l)ds at Galerie Crone Berlin, Fasanenstrasse 29, a book presentation in collaboration with Motto Books will take place on Saturday, 21 January 2023. The afternoon begins at 4 pm with a dialogue between Nikolaus Gansterer, Klaus Speidel and the drawing expert Jan-Philipp Frühsorge. Afterwards, Gansterer and Speidel invite you to the first Berlin Language Game Lab, in which they will work with drawings and objects based on a remark by Ludwig Wittgenstein, resulting in an installation that takes up the methodology developed in the book. 

Galerie Crone, Motto Books and Éditions Dilecta cordially invite you to attend.

Playing with Ludwig opens with a conversation between the authors and the book’s designer Grégoire Romanet, where the first graphic ideas are discussed. It ends with the dialogue How to close a book, which prepares the final series of images. Exhibition photographs and works from the first exhibition documenting the research project Figures de pensée at the Centre d’art contemporain Les Tanneries have been annotated, continued or completed in drawings. Different styles and methodologies, which unfold in the chapters of the book, correspond to different methods and themes in Wittgenstein’s work. Two additional precise essays by Eric Degoute, director of Les Tanneries, and Roger Malbert, curator and drawing expert, elaborate on the dynamic relationship between thinking and drawing and reading as a form of friendship. In the series Philosophical Deviations, Nikolaus Gansterer draws on various paragraphs of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, exploring various forms and procedures. Gansterer explains: “It’s important to say that none of these drawings are illustrations. I try to record how the text operates within me, how it influences my ways of thinking and feeling and then to take this movement as a springboard for drawing. It’s not so much about what is being said, but how it moves a reader.” At the centre of the book stand the paragraphs of the Philosophical Investigations themselves, to which the various works and conversations in the book refer, annotated in writing and drawing by Klaus Speidel. Memories of ColourJust imagine a Rod and Now as One Thing, Now as Another are based on collections of hues, rods, and boxes (respectively). As Speidel, who obtained a PhD in philosophy from Sorbonne University, explains: “In our joint work, I am also interested in exploring the limits of philosophical abstraction. If we fail in our attempt at artistic concretization, this failure can in itself convey new insights in the sense of what Wittgenstein called ‚going against the frontiers of language’. I believe that art production enables philosophical insights.” This interference between philosophy and art can be experienced concretely in the titular series Playing with Ludwig. In this performative experimental arrangement, two or more people sit opposite each other. Starting from a text, a new language game unfolds with drawings and objects.


Wie sind Farben mit Erinnerungen verknüpft? Wie verhält sich Sprache zur Welt (und umgekehrt)? Lässt sich Unsichtbares wie Gedanken, Atmosphären oder Schmerz künstlerisch fassen? Diese und ähnliche Fragen diskutieren der Künstler Nikolaus Gansterer und der Philosoph Klaus Speidel im neu erschienen Buch Playing with Ludwig / Jouer avec Ludwig, publiziert von Éditions Dilecta und Centre d’art Les Tanneries. Ausgehend von Ludwig Wittgensteins Philosophische Untersuchungen, auf die sie sprachlich, zeichnend und performativ reagieren, haben Gansterer und Speidel verschiedene Arbeiten und Formate entwickelt. Anstatt nur Ergebnisse zu präsentieren, dokumentiert das Buch in zahlreichen Transkripten auch den gemeinsamen Arbeitsprozess, bis hin zur Entstehung des Buches selbst.

Im Rahmen von Nikolaus Gansterers Ausstellung Strange Wor(l)ds in der Galerie Crone Berlin, Fasanenstrasse 29 die zahlreiche Werke aus dem Buchkorpus und auch viele neue Werke zeigt, findet dabei am Samstag, 21.1.2023 eine Buchpräsentation in Zusammenarbeit mit Motto Books statt. Der Nachmittag beginnt ab 16 Uhr mit einem Gespräch zwischen Nikolaus Gansterer, Klaus Speidel und dem Zeichnungsexperten Jan-Philipp Frühsorge. Danach laden Gansterer und Speidel zum ersten Berliner Language Game Lab ein, bei dem sie ausgehend von einer Bemerkung Ludwig Wittgensteins mit Zeichnungen und Objekten arbeiten, so dass am Ende entsprechend der Methodologie von Playing with Ludwig eine Installation entsteht.

Dazu laden Galerie Crone, Motto Books und Éditions Dilecta herzlich ein.

Zu Beginn von Playing with Ludwig / Jouer avec Ludwig steht ein Gespräch der Autoren mit Grégoire Romanet, dem Designer des Buches. Am Ende steht der Dialog How to close a book, der die letzte Bildstrecke vorbereitet. Ausstellungsphotographien und Werke der ersten großen Projektausstellung Figures de pensée im Centre d’art Contemporain Les Tanneries werden zeichnerisch kommentiert, fortgeführt oder komplettiert. Die unterschiedlichen Stile und Methoden der Werke entsprechen dabei verschiedenen Themen und Methoden, die sich in den Kapiteln des Buches entfalten. Zwei Essays, einer von Eric Degoutte, Direktor von Les Tanneries, ein anderer von Roger Malbert, Kurator und Zeichnungsexperte runden das Buch ab und diskutieren einerseits die Beziehung zwischen Denken und Zeichnen und andererseits das Lesen als Freundschaft. In Philosophical Deviations reagiert Nikolaus Gansterer zeichnend auf verschiedene Paragraphen von Wittgensteins Philosophical Investigations (Philosophische Untersuchungen). Gansterer erklärt: “Keine dieser Zeichnungen sind Illustrationen. Ich versuche festzuhalten, wie der Text in mir wirkt, wie er mein Denken und Fühlen beeinflusst und dann diese Bewegung als Sprungbrett für das Zeichnen zu nutzen. Es geht nicht so sehr darum, was gesagt wird, sondern wie es den Leser bewegt.” Im Zentrum des Buches stehen die Paragraphen der Philosophischen Untersuchungen selbst, auf die sich die verschiedenen Arbeiten und Gespräche des Buches beziehen. Klaus Speidel hat sie schreibend und zeichnend annotiert. Die Kapitel Memories of ColourJust imagine a Rod und Now as One Thing, Now as Another basieren auf Sammlungen von Farbtönen, Stäbe und Kisten. Speidel, der an der Sorbonne in Philosphie promoviert hat, erklärt: “Mich interessiert bei unserer gemeinsamen Arbeit auch das Ausloten von Grenzen philosophischer Abstraktion. Wenn wir beim Versuch einer künstlerischen Konkretisierung scheitern, kann das im Sinne eines ‚Anlaufens gegen die Grenze der Sprache‘, wie Wittgenstein es nennt, neue Erkenntnisse vermitteln. Ich glaube, dass Kunstproduktion philosophische Erkenntnisse ermöglicht.“ Diese Interferenz zwischen Philosophie und Kunst wird in der titelgebenden Serie Playing with Ludwig konkret erfahrbar. Bei dieser performativen Versuchsanordnung sitzen zwei oder mehr Menschen einander gegenüber. Ausgehend von einem Text entspinnt sich ein neues Sprachspiel mit Zeichnungen und Objekten.

Galerie Crone
Éditions Dilecta
Motto Books

Playing with Ludwig / Jouer avec Ludwig
Authors: Nikolaus Gansterer, Klaus Speidel, Eric Degoute, Roger Malbert
Publisher: Éditions Dilecta, Paris
Year: 2022
Pages: 160
Dimensions: 21 x 28 cm
Language: bilingual English / French
Graphic Design: Gregoire Romanet
ISBN: 978-2-37372-165-2

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Notes. Béla Feldberg

Posted in photography on January 19th, 2023
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Notes by Béla Feldberg is a product of growing up in an international hub and Germany’s financial capital, Frankfurt am Main. Designed by JMMP (Hamburg) and written by Dan Kwon (Frankfurt/Seoul), Feldberg’s book is a coming-of-age affair by the emerging artist, and contains minimal text and b/w analogue photography from untold dérives in the compact German city of Europe’s only skyline, aka “Mainhattan”.

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