Pièce pour quatre toy pianos. Myriam El Haïk. Kulte Editions

Posted in music on February 8th, 2023
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Music score for four toy pianos, revolving around four notes—A, B, C, and E. Inscribed in the minimalist aesthetic of contemporary music, the piece was inspired by the rhythm of traditional Moroccan ceremonial music. With an essay by video artist and writer Laëtitia Laguzet.

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10.02.2023 from 7pm: “Ein Jahrhundert der verletzten Männer / A century of injured men” and “Art&Girls” book launch @ Motto Berlin

Posted in Events, Motto Berlin event, Motto Berlin store, Uncategorized on February 7th, 2023
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Please join us for the book launch of

Ein Jahrhundert der verletzten Männer / A century of injured men
Bernhard Cella
Published by Album Verlag, 2022

Published by Salon für Kunstbuch, 2022

10 February 2023
from 7pm

Motto Berlin
Skalitzer Str. 68 (im Hinterhaus)
10997 Berlin

Bernhard Cella
Album Verlag
Salon für Kunstbuch

Ein Jahrhundert der verletzten Männer / A century of injured men

Authors: Bernhard Cella
Publisher: Salon für Kunstbuch
Year: 2022
Pages: 152
Dimensions: 12.8 x 20 cm
Language: English / German
ISBN: 978-3-85164-210-0

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Bernhard Cella’s sweeping pictorial documentary of convalescent men present us with an iconography of a century of medical progress and, by the same token, with a typology of the mise en scenes of soon-to-be homecoming patients. These staged pictures open up a counter narrative to that of vigorous, unscathed, and invulnerable masculinity. They invariably invoke calamitous moments, sustained injuries, the scars of war as well as the causes and circumstances preceding a fateful event that no camera was there to capture. Their insistence on calm, deceleration, casual gestures, and lightheartedness in the photographer’s presence cannot hide this fact. Or, as Paul Virilio put it, “images are ammunition, cameras are weapons.”

Bernhard Cellas Panoptikum an rekonvaleszenten Männern – quer durch ein Jahrhundert – demonstriert nicht nur eine Ikonografie des medizinischen Fortschritts und die Typologie der mise en scène der bald wieder in den Alltag Zurückkehrenden. Es legt in seiner jeweiligen Inszenierung auch einen Bruch offen, der dem Bild der vitalen, unversehrten und unverletzbaren Männlichkeit zuwiderläuft. Jedes fotografische Abbild trägt in sich unweigerlich auch den Moment des Unfalls, der Verwundung, der Kriegsverletzung, bei dem kein Aufnahmeapparat zugegen war. Die Insistenz auf Ruhe, Entschleunigung, Unbefangenheit und Unbeschwertheit für das Objektiv kann nicht drüber hinwegtäuschen. Oder wie Paul Virilio formulierte: “Bilder sind Munition, Kameras sind Waffen”.


Authors: _
Publisher: Salon für Kunstbuch
Year: 2023
Pages: 204
Dimensions: 14.8 x 10.5 cm
Language: English / German
ISBN: 978-3-902374-23-3

Text by Valie Djordjević
Translation by Andrea Scrima

Order the book here

We see women looking at art, everything an exhibition has to offer: paintings, sculptures, installations. If we’re women, then one could say they’re women looking at women looking at art. And if the Instagram account “art.n.girls,” which reposts images of women looking at art, is also art, then we have women looking at art in which women are looking at art. The images are gleaned from the Instagram accounts of museums, galleries, art magazines, art blogs, and auction houses. Women looking at art embody a particular image of commodified femininity that shows its bourgeois roots. Thus, they reflect the commodification of an art that’s become a mere investment. Their bearing in these PR photos is receptive, moved, submissive, and might be intended as a stand-in for the artwork’s aura, but ultimately it remains empty and devoid of meaning.

Wir sehen Frauen, die sich Kunst anschauen – alles, was die Ausstellungsorte so hergeben: Gemälde, Skulpturen, Installationen. Wenn wir Frauen sind, dann könnte man sagen, hier schauen Frauen sich Frauen an, die auf Kunst schauen. Und wenn der Instagram Account “art.n.girls,” der Bilder von Frauen repostet, die sich Kunst anschauen, auch Kunst ist, dann schauen Frauen auf Kunst, auf der Frauen Kunst anschauen. Die Bilder stammen aus Instagram Accounts von Museen, Galerien, Kunstzeitschriften, Kunstblogs oder Auktionshäusern. Die Kunst schauenden Frauen verkörpern ein ganz bestimmtes Bild von warenförmiger Weiblichkeit, die ihre bourgeoise Herkunft nicht versteckt. Sie spiegeln damit die Warenförmigkeit einer Kunst, die lediglich Investitionsobjekt ist. Ihre Haltung in diesen PR-Fotos – empfänglich, bewegt und unterwürfig – soll möglicherweise als Surrogat der Aura des Kunstwerks dienen, bleibt aber letztendlich leer und ohne Bedeutung.

VICE – ∀SꓤƎɅ. Cornelius de Bill Baboul

Posted in illustration, painting on February 7th, 2023
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The images in this book are preparative studies for large paintings. The 220 x 220 cm enameled aluminum frames are fixed on motorised axes, which allow the paintings to turn at 90 or 180 degrees. When it flips, the figure reveals its duplicity; elusive lines on a twisted path, bouncing back and forth from an illusion to another… “A duck with a fish in its beak” becomes “a rabbit with a carrot in between the ears”. “Nothing special” becomes “Something special”. “A saw in a log” becomes “a crocodile love”, etc.

First edition, 2023

About the author:
Under various pseudonyms Cornelius de Bill Baboul has received the Berlin Art Prize (DE), was nominated for the Aperture PhotoBook Award (US), has entered private and public collections such as MACBA (Barcelona), has been published by Nieves (CH) and exhibited at Paris-Photo (FR), MoMA PS1 (US), Swiss Institute (US), Huis Marseille (NL), Bank Gallery (JP). His work appears in the international press like the British Journal of Photography (UK), Purple (FR), CURA. (IT), Aperture (US), Elephant (UK), Zeit Magazin (DE), The New York Times (US), The Paris Review (US), Luncheon (UK), It’s Nice That (UK).

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Sculptor’s Notebook. Pushpamala N. Reliable Copy; Sharjah Art Foundation

Posted in sculpture on February 6th, 2023
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In Sculptor’s Notebook, originally written in 1985, the artist Pushpamala N evaluates the artistic practice that she had been developing until then. Centred largely around themes of adolescence and womanhood, her sculptures had won her the Sixth Triennale Award and the National Award. While the sculptures take centre stage, in this dissertation can be found a longing to move further towards performance, humour, and play-acting—themes that the artist would go on to develop over the following decades. Both an artist’s statement and a notebook-format prophecy, Sculptor’s Notebook charts the motivations, struggles, and desires of the artist’s multi-medium practice.

Published for the first time by Reliable Copy and Sharjah Art Foundation, Sculptor’s Notebook was written as part of Pushpamala N’s Master’s in Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. The complete facsimile of this dissertation is accompanied by a recent interview with the artist by Nihaal Faizal and Sarasija Subramanian.

Born in Bangalore in 1956, Pushpamala N has been called “the most entertaining artist-iconoclast of contemporary Indian art.” In her sharp and witty work as a photo- and video-performance artist, sculptor, writer, curator, and provocateur, and in her collaborations with writers, theatre directors, and filmmakers, she seeks to subvert the dominant cultural and intellectual discourse. She is known for her strongly feminist work, for her rejection of authenticity, and her embracing of multiple realities. Pushpamala exhibits widely in India and internationally, and speaks often at seminars and conferences.

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طنجة، ملاذ شكري – Tanger, refuge de Choukri. Simon-Pierre Hamelin (Ed.). Librairie des Colonnes Éditions

Posted in photography on February 4th, 2023
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“Cher Mohamed,

Tu ne me connais pas, je ne t’ai jamais vu, mais je prends la liberté de t’écrire cette lettre pour
t’annoncer ce livre, un hommage à ton œuvre, à ta prose sanguine, ta parole à jamais insoumise, à
tes refuges de Tanger, les stations de tes odyssées intérieures, ces endroits minuscules et sacrés, les déserts où se récoltent les mots et le sens.

Un livre de plus, me diras-tu, qui fait de toi cette icône figée, que tu n’aurais probablement pas
aimé. Et de plus, c’est le petit Français des Colonnes qui te l’annonce. J’entends déjà ta colère, de
celles que tu avais fameuses. Mais, tu sais, je n’aurais pas pris la plume, si Abdellatif, Rachid, Tarik, qui furent tes amis et aujourd’hui les seuls garants de ta parole, ne me l’avaient demandé.

Mais il te faut bien accepter cet ouvrage, cet hommage qui est aussi une déclaration d’amour,
même si tu dois trouver cela bien poussiéreux. Sache seulement qu’on te lit, on t’écoute mieux
qu’avant, on t’imite maladroitement. Ils sont nombreux, tu sais, à te traduire, à te publier dans toutes les langues, à t’admirer plus que de mesure, à sonder tes univers merveilleux, à te suivre sur le chemin caillouteux de la littérature. C’est pour eux que je t’écris.

Je ne te connais pas, tu ne m’as jamais vu, mais je sais tous les lieux où tu rodes en bienveillant
fantôme, les bars aux vitres opaques, les venelles à l’ombre fraîche de Bni Idder, les pensions
accueillantes et discrètes où tu as refait mille fois le monde à ton image.

Je ne sais que l’obscurité de l’écriture, la lumière des mots. Et crois moi, j’essaye de les crier aussi
fort que tu l’as fait, pour que rien ne s’apaise, qu’enfin tout devienne chant.

Simon-Pierre Hamelin
14 julliet 2015”
(Extrait du livre)

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Buscemi. Bak Jinhong. Kkamanke Press

Posted in illustration, Zines on February 3rd, 2023
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Delirious Cartographies (LP). Richard Scott. arbitrary

Posted in music, Vinyl, vinyl on February 2nd, 2023
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arbitrary presents Delirious Cartographies (arbitrary13) by composer, improviser and synthesist Richard Scott. Part of the Danish imprint’s Framework editions, this release includes three pieces on 12” vinyl and six printed drawings – as well as a text by Scott – published as a limited edition portfolio folder.

“These compositions capture aspects of my personal sonic experience of specific times and places. Extending beyond my usual work with analogue synthesizer, these pieces open the doors and windows to the outside world, incorporating field and live recordings made in various locations and situations. Rather than intending any clear sense of narrative, these are molecular dialogues between elements and geographies which do not necessarily share organic points of connection, other than my own incomplete experience and memory of them.”

The final piece 6 Graphic Etudes (included as digital prints) is intended as a set of visual / sonic sketches, each of which describes a discrete kind of movement or texture. These may have a variety of uses; as musical exercises, as scores, combined as parts of scores, or simply as stand-alone visual propositions / artworks.

The pieces were composed between 2017 and 2021 at Sound Anatomy, Berlin, Spektrum Berlin, EMS Stockholm, NOVARS, University of Manchester, the Electronic Music Studios, University of Huddersfield and in Boliqueime, Portugal.

As well as various microphones, hydrophones and recorders, the instruments used on this recording are mostly analogue and modular synthesizers: Hordijk Modular, Serge Modular, EMS Synthi A, various Eurorack modules, Buchla Thunder midi controller, Oberheim Xpander, Clavia Nord Micro Modular, CataRT and maxMSP, Rob Hordijk Blippoo box. On Thunder, actually bicycles… Axel Dörner plays a Holton Firebird trumpet with additional live-sampling via maxMSP and a controller interface developed by Sukandar Kartadinata.

Written & produced by Richard Scott. Drawings by Richard Scott. Graphic design by Mads Emil Nielsen. Mastered & cut by Kassian Troyer at D&M, Berlin. Thanks to Axel Dörner, Rob Hordijk, Beatriz Ferreyra, Ricardo Climent, David Berezan, Joseph Hyde, Richard Whalley, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay, Tim Scott, Andy Adkins, Electric Spring Festival, Sines & Squares Festival, Basic Electricity and Sound Anatomy.

Released 2 September 2022

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Patti Smith – Galerie Veith Turske. Galerie Veith Turske

Posted in Editions, Exhibition catalogue, Exhibitions, music on February 1st, 2023
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Catalogue from Patti Smith’s exhibition and poetry reading on the occasion of Arthur Rimbaud’s 123rd birthday (October 20, 1854) at the Galerie Veith Turske on October 20, 1977. The book contains images of Smith’s paintings and drawings as well as photographs and poetry, in English and German.

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Stuck Magazine issue 001: Subworld Episodes. Marius Thielmann, Jacopo Borrini (Eds.). Stuck

Posted in illustration, magazines, photography on January 31st, 2023
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In this issue, we want to take you on a journey from the innerworld to the outerdepths. A journey that begins with the shallows of human fears, needs and expressions, and ends with a view of dystopian (or maybe utopian?) future scenarios. Divided into two episodes, we invite you to explore the shadowy vastness of your imagination. In “modes of expression,” you’ll find content on issues of inequality, identity and nostalgia: in “imagined futures,“ we offer you a glimpse into absurdity.

Subworlds exist parallel to the now. They remain underground and are subconscious. Beginning at the point of discomfort for the mainstream, subworlds are deliberately – or inherently – disturbing, different and provocative. In this issue, use this exclusive subworld as a learning platform. A variety of modalities and disciplines await. From art painting and photography, sculpturalism and 3D art, to clay and handwork, the thoughts and feelings of nine contributors are into these 138 pages of subworld episodes.

Featured artists: Tyler Cala Willams, Ingrato, Siilk Gallery feat. Jonny Kaye, Rick Castro, Moyosore Briggs, Xena Magali, Kseniya Vaschenko, Saint Profanus, Lazygawd, Bodysnatchers, Malte Bartsch, Solo Show, Guerrilla Bizarre feat. Isabella

Contributors: Jacopo Borrini, Marius Thielmann, Rebecca Took, Illaria Sacchi, Miriam Partington, Marie-Christine Lümen, Smilla Marcussen, Meret Scheppach, Hyesoo Chung

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Urban Kitsch. Praneet Soi. Reliable Copy; Sharjah Art Foundation

Posted in Uncategorized on January 30th, 2023
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Urban Kitsch, originally written in 1996, explores the forms of vernacular visual culture that emerged in the city of Baroda following the liberalization of the Indian economy. Plastic toys, celebrity mud flaps, and postmodern architecture collide into a new formal category—both celebrated and derided—as Praneet Soi traverses the city on his trusted Yamaha RX 100.

Published for the first time by Reliable Copy and Sharjah Art Foundation, Urban Kitsch was written as part of Praneet Soi’s Master’s in Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. The complete facsimile of this dissertation is accompanied by a recent interview with the artist by Nihaal Faizal and Sarasija Subramanian.

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