Rinat Bek – “when you stop being yourself” – Motto Paris. Oct. 18,19,20.

Posted in Film, Film Association K1NO1 Paris, K1no1, K1no1 MONOCINEMA on October 18th, 2024
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“when you stop being yourself”
Rinat Bek

Screening 3-7pm, October 18,19,20 @ Motto Paris.

A series of memories that like an avalanche, covers a person at the moment of the ultimate human experience.

Video installation based on slit-scan technology and found-footage recordings of the unknown origin.

Part of the film “Gobelin”

supported by:
Valentina Bek
Maxim Kozlov
and our loved ones.

This post is related the upcoming film screening within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1.

K1NO1 Associaton / MONOCINEMA project / Motto store

38 rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris

Geschichten & Skizzen. 19.10 @ Motto Berlin

Posted in Uncategorized on October 15th, 2024

Geschichten & Skizzen (Book release)
Sat 19.10. / 18h
Motto / Vitrines 
Skalitzer Straße 68, Kreuzberg, 10997 Berlin, Germany


Geschichten & Skizzen
Eine fortlaufende Sammlung von Bildern und Geschichten, die in verschiedenen Gesprächssituationen entfaltet und besprochen werden können.

Outlines & Scenarios
An ongoing collection of scenarios and sketches being rolled out and talked about in various conversations.


Der Konzeptkünstler lebt und arbeitet zwischen Berlin und Athen. Seine künstlerische Tätigkeit ist performativ, poetisch und meist seriell. Schwerpunkte bilden dabei Eingriffe in bestehende Systeme sowie Konstruktionen sozialer Räume und interaktiver Ereignisformate. In seiner aktuellen Arbeit legt der Künstler seinen Namen ab.


QUATERNITE. K1N01. Paris. 11.10.2024

Posted in Film, Film Association K1NO1 Paris, K1no1, K1no1 MONOCINEMA on October 10th, 2024
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SCREENING + Round Table
Friday, October 11, 2024 at Motto Paris
From 7:00 PM
Round Table starts at 8:00 PM

by Egor Shevchenko

Motto Paris is very happy to open its autumn/winter screening sessions with artist talks and round tables in collaboration with the K1N01 Association.

This video artwork was inspired by the I Ching 易經, an ancient Chinese divination system.

The work represents random combinations of 64 episodes, shot in France in 2018-2019. The story revolves around four characters lost in the narrative of the story itself.

Additionally, the work was created using the I Ching: the coins were thrown before filming each episode to determine the location, the actors, and the events to follow.

Soundtrack by Gela Lomaya

Round Table

Narrative – history haunts people. At some point, the narrative crisis touched literature and was marked by the works of J.Joyce, A.Bely and then S.Beckett. can we feel “again” necessity to discuss such modern movements in contemporary cinema, It’s crisis and ways out. will we rest everything in status quo and will continue to be the part of the narrative automatisms in life and in cinema.

We invite everyone concerned to join the conversation; those who wish can prepare a presentation on the topic.

If you’ve got an extra chair, bring it to the round table

38 rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris

This post is related the upcoming film screening within the framework of the cinema club and Film Association K1NO1.

Chroniques Terriennes. Mathieu Cesar. delpire & co. 10.10.2024

Posted in Uncategorized on October 9th, 2024
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Launch of “Chroniques Terriennes” by Mathieu Cesar, published by Mars Amusements and Motto Books, Thursday October 10 at 6pm.

“Chroniques Terriennes” is a look-at book from the perspective of men and women, based on the idea of space adventure.

Mathieu Cesar’s encounter with the Ariane group enabled him to bring together old and new friends for an epistolary journey aboard a real rocket, the beautiful Ariane, the 6th of its kind. Signatures and photographic portraits bear witness to the richness of each encounter in a book that offers a fascinating mosaic of fraternity and an exploration of its many facets.