Capslock #2. Lost in Evolution. Roberto Rigon (Ed.). Capslock Magazine

Posted in graphic design, magazines, typography on May 31st, 2023
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Lost In Evolution can be defined as a linguistic atlas. We collected more than 100 words that are redefining the times we live in, complete with their definition and explanation. These chapters are linked by a sci-fi novel that narrates the events of a post-apocalyp- tic future. This novel was written by us both using our human hands and with an Al-based text creator program. The final output is a cyborg-esque story where identity, language, and technology merge together in a tale that involves all of us, as part of humankind. Every term is associated with its respective Glyph, created from an algorithm-genera- ted graphic program we designed. We used an Al-image generator to create the graphics which introduce every chapter. The glyphs, combined with the Al-generated artworks, create the visual language that got Lost In Evolution.

Capslock Magazine was officially born in 2018 starting from a common vision devel- ped by a creative collective from the Vicenza area. This diverse team brings together graphic and product designers, DJs, and creatives who share a strong passion: the concept of the avant-garde, whether it can be tran- smitted to the context of technology, art, design, video games, and music. The goal of this project is to investigate every creative field from an innovative and te chronological point of view.

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Log 57 – Black is . . . an’ Black ain’t . . . Cynthia Davidson (Ed.). Anyone Corporation

Posted in magazines, Theory on May 30th, 2023
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Log 57 – Black is . . . an’ Black ain’t . . .
Anyone Corporation,

“Calls for more Blackness in architecture schools can be simplistic,” writes architect Darell Wayne Fields, guest editor of Log 57. Well-meaning equity and inclusion programs often simply “associate the mere presence of Black bodies with institutional change.” In Log 57, a 208-page thematic issue titled Black is . . . an’ Black ain’t . . ., 29 authors explore the complexities of Blackness as it relates to aesthetics and architectural pedagogy. As Fields notes, “In calling for more Blackness, I, for one, am calling for more Black methodology. An inherent characteristic of [which] is a measurement of difference.”
To that end, Log 57 gathers essays and reflections on architectural pedagogies, both in academia and in practice, by Sean Canty, Michelle JaJa Chang, Ajay Manthripragada, and Mónica Ponce de León, among others. Projects by young designers for whom methodological concepts of Black Signification and bricolage are central are presented in a four-color section, and built works and a preservation effort channel difference as a generative force in real-world communities. “This work demonstrates what is possible when methodological change is real,” writes Fields. “Real change, like Blackness, makes us nervous. Black difference, however, is revolutionary.”


Chelsea Jno Baptiste, Savannah Cheung & Sahil Mohan, “VERSatile Method”

Tamara Birghoffer, “House for a House”

Kenneth Brabham Jr., “A Room for Jacob Lawrence”

Alex Cabana, “Fuller’s Spine”

Barrington Calvert, “Speakeasy for the Revolution”

Barrington Calvert & Nick Meehan, “Preservation Operations: A Guided Tour of American Legion Post 218”

Sean Canty, “All the Things You Are: Latency as an Aesthetic Practice”

Brian Cavanaugh & Darell Wayne Fields, “University of Oregon Black Cultural Center”

Michelle JaJa Chang, “Shadows and Other Things”

Eunice Chung, “Bigness and Blackness”

Matt Conway, “Drunk Datums”

Melinda Denn, “A House for Rosie Lee Tompkins”

Nitzan Farfel, “A House Is a Brothel”

Darell Wayne Fields, “Prologue to a Black Pedagogy”

Rachel Ghindea, “House for the Dead”

Mitzy González, “Nepantla: An Altar for Gloria E. Anzaldúa”

Bernardo Guerra Jr., “Asylum–Proximity”

Kaleb Houston & Hannah Terry, “Black Architecture 101”

Reese Lewis, “The Speculative Devaluation of 270 Park Avenue”

Ajay Manthripragada, “A Double Untying”

Sydney Rose Maubert, “the gate: the erotics of Black worship”

Nick Meehan, “House for No One”

Christina Moushoul, “A House for Sitcoms”

Rudabeh Pakravan, “Building Fronts”

Mónica Ponce de León, “Modest Ambitions”

Elizabeth Grace Siqueira, “House for Friars”

Eunice Takahaye Slanwa, “A House for Mary and Ayak”

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Renverser ses yeux – Autour de l’arte Povera 1960-1975, photographie, film, vidéo. Xavier Barral. Atelier EXB, Jeu de Paume, LE BAL, Triennale Milano

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Exhibitions, photography, research on May 29th, 2023
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Fruit de longues recherches dans les archives des artistes, l’ouvrage sera doté d’une riche documentation et offrira une relecture inédite de la production artistique italienne entre 1960 et 1975. Apparu dans les années 1960 en Italie, l’Arte Povera est une démarche artistique ; davantage une attitude qu’un mouvement. Théorisé par Germano Celant en 1966, l’Arte Povera s’inscrit dans une volonté de défiance à l’égard des industries culturelles, portée par une nouvelle génération d’artistes incarnant des manières inédites d’appréhender l’art et la création.
S’opposant à la consommation de masse et réhabilitant la place de l’homme et de la nature dans l’art, l’Arte Povera en renouvelle les thématiques (l’homme, la nature, le corps, le temps), les matériaux (naturels, de récupération, périssables), les techniques (artisanales), les gestes et l’intention. Il s’agit de repenser les critères d’esthétisme, de se défaire des artifices, de revenir à l’immédiateté des émotions et des sensations.
A travers la production de livres, d’affiches, de projections et d’impressions sur toile, les artistes italiens de cette époque se sont appropriés le pouvoir narratif de l’image photographique et filmique afin d’explorer de nouveaux possibles de l’art. Transdisciplinaires, mêlant photographies, films, vidéos, affiches, livres, objets, sculptures et peintures, l’ouvrage, qui l’accompagnera l’exposition, présentera plus de 300 oeuvres de figures majeures de l’Arte Povera, parmi lesquelles Giovanni Anselmo, Alighiero Boetti, Luigi Ghirri, Jannis Kounellis, Piero Manzoni, Mario Merz, Giuseppe Penone, Michelangelo Pistoletto…
Conçu comme un livre d’art et non comme un catalogue d’exposition, il donnera à voir l’extraordinaire richesse d’une période où les artistes italiens ont compté parmi les plus importants interprètes de la transformation des langages visuels. Ce nouveau regard sur une démarche artistique majeure des avant-gardes du XXe siècle proposera également une immersion visuelle dans le contexte politique et culturel de l’époque avec des portfolios dédiés au cinéma, théâtre, soirées littéraires, extraits de presse présentant les grands enjeux socioculturels d’alors.

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Westmorland County Show. Conor Rollins. 89books.

Posted in photography on May 26th, 2023
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The Westmorland County Agricultural Society ‘WCAS’ was established in 1799, and for over 200 years has survived world wars, recessions and the Great British weather to establish itself as one of Britain’s oldest livestock agricultural events. Located on the fringes of the Lake District, Westmorland County Show has showcased rural life to the masses. The project aims to highlight the contrasts found at an event where farming communities, tourists, competitors, VIPs and shoppers explore the land in their unique ways. Through grainy black and white 35mm film, the intention was to blur the suggested timeframe by playing with the unusual sights, outfits and activities found when livestock and different communities interact in a field.

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Supplement 07: Joar Nango: Uncle Doug’s Fishing Shack. Joar Nango. Fillip

Posted in magazines, photography, writing on May 25th, 2023
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Supplement 07: Joar Nango: Uncle Doug’s Fishing Shack

Fillip is pleased to announce the release of Uncle Doug’s Fishing Shack, with contributions by Joar Nango, Ryan Gorrie, Timothy O’Rourke, David Thomas, Courtney R. Thompson, and Jenifer Papararo.

Supplement 7 traces Joar Nango’s artistic process, mapping the development of his temporary installation and sculpture Uncle Doug’s Fishing Shack presented at Plug In ICA (Winnipeg) in 2019 as part of Stages. The publication features an interview between Nango and Indigenous architect David Thomas about an abandoned military barracks’ transformation into Canada’s largest urban reserve. It also includes a short essay by Indigenous architect Ryan Gorrie, in which he examines Circle of Life Thunderbird House in Winnipeg, designed by renowned Indigenous architect Douglas Cardinal. These texts are paired with critical writings by architecture lecturer Timothy O’Rourke and architecture scholar Courtney R. Thompson, who detail accounts of governmental suppression of Indigenous architectural and artistic ingenuity in both Australia and Canada.

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in media res (0825 – 1236). Manuel Sekou

Posted in photography, research on May 23rd, 2023
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in medias res is an ongoing selective collection of seemingly random online images as well as self-taken screenshots and photography. Featuring a selection of over 1200 pictures out of the personal archive, it deals with patterns of recognition, appropriation and contextualization of (popular) cultures. By reproduction through means of hard copy a shift of attention shall be provoked (in favor of THE IMAGE).

Following musical techniques of plunderphonics, the mode of situating and framing finds manifestation from 15th century renaissance art (emblem) through to present operating principles of the social media online platform instagram (hashtags). 
Focusing on reciprocal influence and interference between text and image, the project aims to intentionally subvert cultural codes of visual content and wording by allegory and metaphor. 
Associated figures of thought, socio-political terms, new slang, ambiguous terms of marketing and connotated phrases are addressed to expand (semiotic) nuances and undertones of modern day society (consumer culture, mainstream-noise, fashion-dynamics, politics / environmental issues), thus to challenge ways of perception of cultural sets of phenomena (meme).. 
Of course, a certain sense of humor is a substantial attitude of indifference to ride the jittering stream that shapes contours of global scenes of references and re-production of “meaning” through poor images.

in medias res is a context bundle. 
in medias res is a deep learning process. 
in medias res is highly subjective.

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Rita Ackermann: Hidden. Pamela Kort. Mousse Publishing

Posted in Monograph, painting on May 22nd, 2023
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“Things can be freer and reach higher when they conceal themselves.”–Rita Ackermann

Rita Ackermann was born in Budapest in 1968 and today lives and works in New York. Arriving in America from Hungary in the early 1990s, she is immediately faced with a major challenge: to be able to survive in a foreign country as a young artist, she must be able to integrate the aesthetics of her cultural background together with what the new country offers her in her artistic practice. Her first drawings and paintings made between 1993 and 1996 show adolescent female figures multiplied within the composition and engaged in various self-destructive activities, expressed to the public through understandable and direct language. About twenty years later Ackermann abandons the figure and develops the series of works he entitles Mama, a set of compositions in which lines and gestures, figures and motifs rise to the surface of the canvas to then dissolve and reappear elsewhere. On the occasion of the exhibition at MASI Lugano, in 2022 Ackermann begins a new series of paintings entitled War Drawings, where oil, grease pencil and acrylic are heavily worked on rough linen canvas. In these works, the figures get lost and the lines are scraped away to reveal fragmented compositions.

Published on the occasion of the artist’s solo exhibition at the MASI in Lugano, entitled Hidden, this book contains reproductions of all the works in the exhibition and others selected personally by the artist.

Text by Pamela Kort, a conversation between Rita Ackermann and Donatien Grau.

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Tasman Richardson + Jubal Brown. X-IMG Night. Thursday, May 18 @ OHM Berlin.

Posted in Motto Books, Motto Disco, music, performance on May 17th, 2023
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Dear Friends,

We are happy to invite you about a special event coming up that we’re certain will pique the interest of those who delight in the fusion of music, video art, and performance.

X-IMG presents a program of audio-visual excess and dark dance music on May 18th at Ohm, Berlin.

Jubal Brown and Tasman Richardson, who recently awed us with a stunning reading and performance at our bookstore, are now set to light up the stage.

Find out more about the event here

A Kassen – Dimensions Variable. Rene Campolmi, Adam Carr, Jonatan Habib Engqvist. Mousse Publishing.

Posted in photography, sculpture on May 15th, 2023
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A Kassen is a Danish art collective whose work encompasses photography, installation, and sculpture. Recalling the process-over-product mantra of 1960s action painters and Pop artists, their practice hinges on central questions of authorship and explores the relationship between form and content. Beginning with an everyday object—a material such as bronze, or something more ephemeral, like a puddle or a reflection—A Kassen task themselves with acts of construction and deconstruction, reinterpretation and recontextualization, all the while challenging preconceived notions of what the phenomenon in question is. Through these manipulations, they create works meant to be seen explicitly through the context of art and aesthetics, where the spectator’s role becomes central—indeed, an integral part of the work. Bystanders become interpreters, creating layers of meaning and understanding while rewriting the narratives at hand.

Dimensions Variable includes essays by Irene Campolmi, Adam Carr, and Jonatan Habib Engqvist, and an illustrated chronology of A Kassen’s works.

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Tasman Richardson + Jubal Brown. Saturday May 13 @ Motto Berlin.

Posted in Film, Motto Berlin event, Motto Berlin store on May 11th, 2023
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Dear friends,

Motto is pleased to invite you to the film screening and double book presentation of

Objects in Mirror 
by Tasman Richardson 
Published by Impulse [b], 2023

Tasman Richardson is his memory of screens. Video from cathode ray to capacitive pixels shapes his language, directs his understanding, and ultimately borders his imagination. Building on McLuhan’s statement “We become what we behold”, Richardson shuttles through the history of tele-vision and tele-presence, postulating consciousness itself as Gysin-esque “cut-up” collage. Fragmented, digressive, and occasionally manic, Objects In Mirror refracts autoethnography into a technicolour meditation on our mediated world. An intimate and humourous technical-mystical delving into a distrust of all things perceived both in life and art.


DIE SCUM: Sex & Drugs & Contemporary Art
by Jubal Brown 
Published by Impulse [b], 2023

DIE SCUM, Sex & Drugs & Contemporary Art is the debut novel by artist and iconoclast Jubal Brown, a post-post-modern love story of the drug dealer to the art scene and his paranoid deluge through alcoholic-depression to redemption and personal agency. A 60,000 word auto-fiction confessional of addiction, to drugs and alcohol but, ultimately an examination of addiction to dysfunctional relationships, unhealthy ideals and behaviours, the performance of identity, and the failure of masculinity.

The reading will be followed by film screenings of Richardson and Brown’s video work.

Tasman Richardson & Jubal Brown have been producing video work, sometimes collaborating, for 25+ years, originating in the 1990s with a unique high energy style of experimental video: A/V, audio-visual, or visual music – also known as JAWA, the recombinant montage of appropriated television&movies treated as raw material, sampled and remixed to build compositions engaging the lexicon of contemporary media culture.

This short program will showcase a selection of video work from the past and present.

About the authors: 

Tasman Richardson 

Tasman Richardson began pioneering his audio/visual cut up method known as Jawa in 1996, later co-founding FAMEFAME media arts collective in 2002, co-creating international a/v tournament Videodrome with cohorts Jubal Brown, Elenore Chesnutt, and Josh Avery, and launching abstract, anonymous live showcase The New Flesh in 2011. His critique of mediated gaze through installation debuted with 2,000 square foot Necropolis (Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, 2012) and bookended with Kali Yuga (Arsenal Contemporary, Montreal, 2019, and Toronto, 2021). Objects In Mirror (2023, Impulse[b]) is his first book, and continues his critical response to recordings which he dubs “contemporary necromancy.”

Jubal Brown 
Jubal Brown is a producer and presenter of contemporary art & events culture, and writer based in Toronto, Canada. A/V video-maker of over 50 short works screened or performed in Toronto, New York, Paris, London, etc. Brown has programmed with established institutions and underground venues including ART SYSTEM, GALLERY DEATH FAMEFAME, PLEASUREDOME,  Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art (Now MOCA ) DOUBLE DOUBLE LANDCINECYCLE , and many more. Past projects include Toronto’s legendary event series at abandoned industrial sites WASTELAND… museum vomit intervention RESPONDING to ART, The Cultural Centre ART SYSTEM, multi-media label FAMEFAME, relational aesthetics collaborative The LAND of the LOST, the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art’s live audio/visual event series VIDEODROME and the rhythmic noise club night SHIT FUN. In Canadian Art Magazine R.M. Vaughan called him “the dark prince of Toronto art.” Vocationally a Social Service Worker and Addictions Counsellor Brown’s current work deals with addiction, dysfunctional relationships, depression and mental health issues, as well as an extreme individualist canon of iconoclasm, revolution, and nihilism, love and anger, resistance and freedom. His first novel DIE SCUM Sex & Drugs & Contemporary Art is available in paperback and e-book at IMPULSE-b , publisher of artists’ books and multiples.