Terremoto 7 – La Vida Eterna. Dorothée Dupuis (ed.). Terremoto, Motto Books

Posted in magazines on October 25th, 2016
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Terremoto 7: Eternal Life

A move towards secularization–the minimization of the presence of religion in public life, has been driven by many modernizing governments and regimes during the 20th century. For many, religion remains the main explanation of worldly phenomena and institutional and familial logic, and its influence is usually persistent in the most intimate behaviors. However, lately religion has been portrayed in Western media as a source of violence and intolerance— forgoing its conciliatory role.

What is known as the “ontological turn” in contemporary anthropology is part of a pursuit to deconstruct the metaphysics and relativism underlying the very questions asked by the humanities about knowledge production and spirituality. Current work in social sciences, technology studies, science and the arts have continued to reshape the idea of spirituality by troubling Western canons, establishing a dialogue with manifold cosmologies to better understand the ways we can relate to the non human and the inhuman.

In Eternal Life, Terremoto seeks to explore accounts linked to the mystical, the spiritual, the carnal, and the incarnate in relation to the arts, but also within a broader cultural spectrum. Through such examination we move to reconcile desire with the awareness of sharing this earth and perhaps, the entire unbound universe, with other life forms and entities.


Saskia Calderón by Nabil Ahmed and Manuela Moscoso; Daniel Garza Usabiaga on David Alfaro Siqueiros; Tobi Maier in conversation with Libidiunga Cardoso; Myriam Ben Salah in conversation with Martha Kirszenbaum; Sarah Schönfeld and Ashkan Sepahvand; Juliana Ossa on feminine religious mysticism in New Spain; François Bucher by Natalia Valencia; Eduardo Basualdo and Adriana Minoliti in conversation with Dorothée Dupuis; Noah Simblist on ethics in the art market; Fanny Drugeon on the Menil Collection; four poems by Frank Báez; Irmgard Emmelhainz on civil uprisings in Santa Fe in Mexico City; Trajal Harrell in conversation with Xavier Acarin.

22.5 x 34.5 cm
96 pages



Fucking Good Art #35: New Existentialism. Jan Verwoert. edition fink

Posted in Motto Books, writing on October 22nd, 2016
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New Existentialism
Existentialism, existential, existence … the subject is simply too large and too complex, too personal to say anything sensible.

Conversations  with Ger Groot, Alana Jelinek, and Alexandra Blättler and an essay by Jan Verwoert.

Published by Fucking Good Art and edition fink


¨Strangers’ Guide to Home Territories¨. Steve Bishop. Motto Books, Supportico Lopez

Posted in Motto Books on October 21st, 2016
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Steve Bishop
Strangers’ Guide to Home Territories
1st edition, 250 copies

Photos taken at the following exhibitions:
Standard Ballad (2015)
Carlos/Ishikawa, London

You’d Be So Nice to Come Home To (2016)
Supportico Lopez/6817 Los Angeles

Insulated by the Boundary (2016)
AND NOW, Dallas

1st edition, 250 copies
60 C-prints on Fuji Crystal Archive photo paper
Screen printed PVC jacket
ISBN: 9782940524518
Published by Motto Books, Supportico Lopez


IOTU Project: Okan Yildirim: Guess who’s coming to dinner? @ Motto Zürich. 21.10.2016

Posted in Events on October 19th, 2016


music by
yzno (http://vojkohuter.com/)
dialog (https://soundcloud.com/ddialog)
possa (https://soundcloud.com/possasilvan)

SWEET TRIBOLOGY @ Motto Berlin. 23.10.2016

Posted in Events on October 18th, 2016


(((Sweet Tribology)))
Premiere in Germany at Motto Berlin

radio picnic
chocolate records
40 women

Sunday 23.10.2016
14:00 > 16:00

FM portable radios welcome
Free event outside
Hot chocolate and glüwein

Skalitzer Str. 68, im Hinterhof, Berlin 10997, +49 30 48816407

Broadcast by Reboot FM 88.4 FM between 15:00 and 16:00


Camille Antoine, Felicia Atkinson, Frieda Beukenkamp, Dinah Bird, Maya Boquet, Emma Bugg, Tania Buisse, Andrea Cohen, Lou Conboy, Selena De Carvalho, Kate Geck, Emmanuelle Gibello, Rosalind Hall, Hanna Hartman, Carola Haupt, Julie Honoré, Cat Hope, Alice Hui-Sheng Chang, Zoe Irvine, Coraline Janvier, Shannon Johnson, Anne Laplantine, Sally Ann McIntyre, Mish Meijers, Miss Despoinas, Rosa Menkman, Maria Papadomanolaki, Edith Perrenot, Nadège Philippe-Janon, Sally Rees, Eve Risser, Elissa Ritson, Anne-Laure Robin, Sabio Design, Pip Stafford, Rachel Tribout, Maia Urstad, Valérie Vivancos, Tricky Walsh, Sarah Washington.


Everything is About to Happen (Porto): artists’ books and editions. Serralves. Porto. 14.10.2016

Posted in Events, Exhibitions on October 10th, 2016
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Everything is About to Happen (Porto): artists’ books and editions @ Fundação de Serralves, Porto
Opening Friday 14 October
Exhibition from October 15 2016 to February 12 2017.

Works by Patrícia Almeida and David-Alexandre Guéniot, Karl Holmqvist, Janice Kerbel, Sara McKillop, Kristen Mueller, Luís Muñoz-Santini, Preston is My Paris, Simon Popper, Erik Steinbrecher, Fritz Welch, Nicole Wermers.

‘Everything is About to Happen (Porto): Artists’ Books and Editions’ is dedicated to the most recent developments in the field of artists’ books as a medium and context for contemporary art. The exhibition presents more than 200 works ? many of them published in small, hard to find editions ? to give an overview of the most recent developments in the field of artists’ books. Through them it looks at burlesque reversals, authorship fluidity, sub-activism, unproductive labour, nonsensical and non-linear languages as tools to reaffirm and question our collective desire for collectivity. It suggests that artists’ books should be seen both as individual artistic expressions and as participants in a forum whose culture and freedom are essential to our future.

For the duration of the exhibition, the Serralves bookstore will become an integral part of the show and present recent artists’ books that respond to the concerns it articulates. The bookstore selection is curated by Gregorio Magnani in collaboration with Motto, Berlin.

Artists’ books ? works of art that adopt the format and particular modes of distribution of the book ? first came to prominence in the mid-1960s. They offered artists a cheap and easily distributed art form that responded to the widespread desire to bring art out of the gallery context. After almost disappearing from view in the 1980s, artists’ books found new energy as a form of artistic expression in the mid-1990s. Then, the wide availability of increasingly affordable digital editing and printing technologies paired with the ease of communication afforded by the internet made it relatively easy to publish or self-publish a book or fanzine. Artists could adopt the book as their chosen medium and become publishers of themselves or choose to rely on a vast network of artist lead, small, adventurous, and often short lived, publishing houses. It was a media that allowed them to be in full control of their own work ? from the first glimpse of an idea, through its development in editing and publishing, to its final marketing. This was liberating: it allowed free experimentation that bypassed the need for institutional support and validation and relied instead on an alternative peer-to-peer network. It also responded perfectly to the 1990s dream of self-empowerment embodying its promise to make each of us a one-man-act on a constant path of self-reinvention. Today the hope of a non-exploitative relation between capital and independent cultural producers seems as unrealistic as the 1960s notion of liberation through commerce. In the creative arts, self-expression reads more and more as labour performed as entertainment for somebody else’s gain. But the productive power of the shared language that constituted the community around artists’ books remains. It relies on low costs, high affective investments, peer-to-peer exchanges and on the focus on the ability of the book to create social exchanges. Threatened by capital’s capacity to survive its crisis through the consumption and production of social spaces, it reaffirms its communal energy by acknowledging the dangers it faces.

‘Everything is About to Happen (Porto): Artists’ Books and Editions’ is organized by the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto, and is curated by Gregorio Magnani.

How to (talk about) things that don’t exist. 31st São Paulo Biennial. Serralves

Posted in Exhibitions, painting, performance, politics, writing on October 4th, 2016
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How (…) things that don’t exist
How to (talk about) things that don’t exist focuses on the processes that led to the artworks and arguments in ‘How to (…) things that don’t exist — an exhibition developed out of the 31st São Pau¬lo Biennial’ presented at the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art in Porto. The publication continues the ide¬as and discussions that generated the exhibition and proposes unexpected synapses between different subject areas: Education; Reverse Colonialism; and Right to the City — Criminalization of the Poor. It includes a wide variety of texts, chronicles, lyrics, historical documents, drawings, collages, paintings, film stills and photographs many of which specifically conceived for this book by artists, curators, art historians, writ-ers, researchers, pedagogues, sociologists, urban planners, journalists, social workers and activists.

Como (falar sobre) coisas que não existem
Como (falar sobre) coisas que não existem centra‑se nos processos que conduziram as obras e discussões presentes na exposição “Como (…) coisas que não existem — uma exposição desenvolvida a partir da 31a Bienal de São Paulo” apresentada no Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Serralves no Porto. A publicação propõe sinapses inesperadas entre os diversos temas tratados: Educação; Colonialismo Invertido; e Direito a Cidade ― Criminalização da Pobreza e inclui uma variedade de textos, cronicas, letras de musicas, documentos históricos, desenhos, colagens, pinturas, fotogramas e fotografias — alguns concebidos especificamente para este livro — da autoria de artistas, curadores, historiadores de arte, escritores, investigadores, pedagogos, sociólogos, urbanistas, jornalistas, assistentes sociais e ativistas.


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