B-side of Onomatopeic Music. Yuri Suzuki. Dent-De-Leone, Clear Edition & Gallery.
Is it a bird, is it a book? No, it’s BOOM, a visualisation of Yuri Suzuki’s sonic works. If an image is worth a thousand words, it can probably be worth a soundscape, a song or both, however cacophonic. Contributions by DMX Krew, Simone Grant, Tim Hunkin, Momus, Nobumichi Tosa (Maywa Denki) and Åbäke
Edition: 808 copies
Year: 2012
Language: Mostly visual, captions in English
Binding: Thread bound in black thread
Editor: Yuri Suzuki & Åbäke
Text read by: Momus
29 €
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Form Next To Form Next To Form. Nova Paul. Dent-De-Leone.
…is a book made from stills from Nova Paul’s 16mm film This is not Dying (2010). Two pieces of writing are included, Karl Steven’s liner notes on musician Ben Tawhiti and Gwynneth Porter and Nova Paul’s essay The Virtues of Trees that like a tree grew from conversations over a year, spanning into ideas of sovereignty, resistance, film analysis, genealogy and care of self and the world around us. RGB print processes were used in its design to echo the RGB optical process of three-colour-separation film itself. Whakarongo Mai, played by Ben Tawhiti on slide and steel guitar for This is not Dying, is reconfigured here on 7″ LP.
Year: 2012
First Edition: 1000 copies
Binding: Sewn
Special! with a vinyl
19 €
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All The Knives. Åbäke (Ed.). Dent-De-Leone.
Any printed story on request.
Monsieur, aimez-vous l’art? asked the man with the hat. On a positive response Robert Filiou would show an exhibition contained in a hat to a stranger. All The Knives, the box, modestly listens to Mr Filiou to reveal stories from a pocket, yours?
An exhibition curated by Åbäke with Yair Barelli, Jochen Dehn, Dirk Elst, Aurélien Froment, Vladimir Ivaneanu, Sally OäReilly, Matt Rogers and Adva Zakai, Z33, Hasselt, Belgium, 18 November 2012 — 16 February 2013. Coproduction of Frans Masereel Centrum & Z33.
13 €
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