The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2010 – Aude Lehmann, Tan Wälchi (Eds.) – Federal Office of Culture, Anisha Imhasly, Bern

Posted in graphic design on June 30th, 2011

The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2010 – Aude Lehmann, Tan Wälchi (Eds.) – Federal Office of Culture, Anisha Imhasly, Bern

At the competition ‘The Most Beautiful Swiss Books’ of the Swiss Federal Office of Culture, the independent jury chose a total of 19 books as the most beautiful Swiss books of 2010.

391 books were entered into this year’s competition. The five-member jury, chaired by graphic designer Cornel Windlin, examined each entry, taking into account each book’s overall concept, graphic design and typography, and paid particular attention to innovation and originality. Further criteria include the quality of the printing and the cover, the binding and the materials used. The Federal Office of Culture thereby recognizes excellence in the field of book design and production, as well drawing attention to remarkable and contemporary books by Swiss designers, printers and publishers.

In ‘The Most Beautiful Swiss Books’ catalogue, designed by Aude Lehmann, the star of the catalogue is the book, and each of the nineteen award-winning titles is given the red-carpet treatment inside. An introduction by Anisha Imhasly, interview with the jury, text on the Jan Tschichold Award 2011, and the technical data pertaining each of the award-winning books are also inside.

D 25€


From A to B & Back Again – Jonathan Monk – Archive Books

Posted in Uncategorized on June 30th, 2011

From A to B & Back Again – Jonathan Monk – Archive Books

‘From A to B & Back Again’ surveys Jonathan Monk’s relationship to Alighiero e Boetti, an artist whose seminal way of working imparts a conceptually unique, highly poetic yet casual approach to art making, which was always accomplished with a seemingly unforced incisiveness and poised elegance which is carried throughout Monk’s work and directly resonated and addressed in those works that this book features.

Monk on Boetti: «Boetti? I am not sure what I can add. Alighiero made Conceptual art more human and perhaps less complicated. It sounds simple, and might be — but it probably isn’t. His influence is as strong today as it has always been. He is like the fifth Beatle or even the sixth… his life seemed to follow a similar path? northern lad meets Asian mysticism in the late1960s. I think young artists find his humble and straight forward approach very appealing like navigating the thousand longest rivers in the world without a map but with the idea that there will be something magical around the next corner stop me»

Size: 16 x 23 cm
Text: Adam Carr
Editor: Julia Hölz
Design: Chiara Figone, Archive Appendix
Pages: 52

D 11€


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The Institute of Social Hypocrisy – 05 – Bjarne Melgaard

Posted in Zines on June 28th, 2011
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The Institute of Social Hypocrisy – 05, Bjarne Melgaard – On my gravestone it’s gonna say: I am never coming back

Concept: Victor Boullet
All content: Bjarne Melgaard
Design: Hey Ho, An Art Service

D 5€


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Stefan Kiełsznia: Ulica Nowa 3 – Ulrike Grossarth (Ed.) – Spector Books

Posted in history, photography on June 27th, 2011

Stefan Kiełsznia: Ulica Nowa 3 – Ulrike Grossarth (Ed.) – Spector Books

This photography book is a fairly comprehensive collection of street photos that Stefan Kiełsznia took of the Jewish quarter of Lublin in the mid-1930s. Developed in cooperation with the Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN cultural centre in Lublin, the volume offers a survey of the photographic stock that has now been digitized as the Stefan Kiełsznia Digital Archive and will be accessible along with additional material at Teatr NN.

This publication was produced upon the initiative of its editor Ulrike Grossarth in the framework of the exhibtion ‘Fabrics from Lublin. Ulrike Grossarth: Contemporary Art and Stefan Kiełsznia: Historical Street Photography from Lublin’ at Kunsthaus Dresden from 11 June, 2010 to 19 September, 2010.

A cooperative project of Kunsthaus Dresden, Städtische Galerie für Gegenwartskunst und Kunstfonds Sachsen / Dresden State Art Collections, funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

D 35€


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FUZI UV TPK @ Motto Berlin. NEW DATE: 02.07.2011

Posted in Events, Motto Berlin event on June 26th, 2011

Saturday July 2, 2011. start 6:30pm
FUZI UV TPK @ Motto Berlin
2 new books, video projection, tattoo session

Flash Tattoo Collection

Wild Life, Metro Terror, Shoplifter Memories, Nique ton père, Mort aux femmes infidèles – FUZI’s Flash Tattoo Collection is an exclusive collection of classic and new tattoo drawings all made by the artist between 2009 and 2011. The first handmade edition of 50 copies was spirit duplicated. Now the offset edition of the original book Flash Tattoo Collection is available for sale.

145 pages, 73 b/w images
In an edition of 500
EUR 20 / CHF 25
ISBN: 978-3-90611-03-5

Ma Ligne (Edition Patrick Frey)

The train line Paris St Lazare – Mantes La Jolie runs from the western suburbs into the French capital. FUZI and his group UV (Ultra Violent) used the “double étages” and “trains gris” for fifteen years as work basis and image carrier, as their territory and mistress. “FUZI,” “RAP,” “SALO,” “KISS,” and “VOYOU” drip down the smooth grey surfaces of the functionalist architecture. The leather on the benches is slashed; the windows smashed.

This book is a collection of photographs created between 1996 and 2001, an archive of vandalism, a contemporary document of “brutal insouciance” accompanied by the artist’s poems and texts. It wasn’t just about slamming, hammering and smearing one’s name everywhere to become known, it was about leaving behind a trace, both in the space and in the heads of the passengers.
This required a rigid approach: employing the surveillance methods of the rail police (SUGE) and conductors, only with reverse circumstances. A routine that was synchronized with the gaps in train schedules and intervals between security checks; rhythmized by station stops and coach compartments; locating, painting over and photographing—maintaining the line. Within the rules and regulations of society, they created Temporary Autonomous Zones for themselves, in which they could briefly experience absolute freedom, expressed through an archaic “aestheticism of chaos”. (Andreas Koller)

With a Text by FUZI UV TPK in French
Graphic Design: David Keshavjee, Jean Angelats, Simon Haenni
Hardcover, 134 pages
16.5 x 23 cm
2011, Edition Patrick Frey N° 98
ISBN: 978-3-905509-98-4

with kind support from:


Architecture Words 7 – Modernity Unbound, Detlef Mertins. AA Publications

Posted in Motto Berlin store, writing on June 24th, 2011
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Architecture Words 7 – Modernity Unbound, Other Histories of Architectural Modernity. Detlef Mertins. AA Publications

For almost 20 years, Detlef Mertins has been a critical voice in renewing our understanding of architectural modernity. Architect, historian, professor, his essays have often taken up familiar themes in order to redress inaccuracies and release energies that we were unaware of.

These essays elaborate on such key modernist tropes as transparency, glass architecture, organicism, life and event, sameness and difference. Previously published in a variety of different venues, from journals to anthologies – including such noted books as Lars Spuybroek’s NOX: Machining Architecture and FOA’s Phylogenesis – they are now assembled for the first time in this volume.

D 15€


Kilobase Bucharest A-H, Mousse Publishing.

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Motto Berlin store on June 24th, 2011
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Kilobase Bucharest A-H, Ioana Nemes and Dragos Olea (Eds.), Mousse Publishing

A-H is part of a project connected to “Image to be projected until it vanishes,” a group show curated by Mihnea Mircan. This book, published by Kilobase Bucharest, a fictitious art gallery dreamed up by Dragos Olea and Ioana Nemes (the exhibition is dedicated to the latter, who passed away suddenly last April), is the first of three publications aimed at describing Bucharest through a sort of experimental primer: for each letter, eight artists and collectives have chosen a key term that represents a sliver of the Romanian capital.

The resulting portrait conveys the essence of Bucharest from a subjective standpoint that captures the infinite facets of the city’s life and culture.

Edited by Ioana Nemes and Dragos Olea
Published by Mousse Publishing

D 10€


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SAN ROCCO #2 / The Even Covering of the Field

Posted in magazines, Motto Berlin store, writing on June 24th, 2011

SAN ROCCO #2 / The Even Covering of the Field

San Rocco was the product of the collaboration of two young architects. San Rocco did not contribute to the later fame of its two designers. It is neither “standard Grassi” nor “standard Rossi”. Somehow it remains between the two, strangely hybrid, open and uncertain, multiple and enigmatic.

The purity and radicalism of the design does not involve any intolerance. San Rocco suggests an entirely new set of possibilities. It seems to be the beginning of a new type of architecture, or the first application of a new type of architecture, or the first application of a new – and happy – design method that has not been developed further.

San Rocco proposes the possibility of reusing architectural traditions that lie outside of private memory (contrary to Rossi’s usual approach) without erasing personal contributions (contrary to Grassi’s usual approach). In San Rocco, common does not mean dry, and personal does not mean egomaniacal. San Rocco seems to suggest the possibility of an architecture that is both open and personal, both monumental and fragile, both rational and questioning.

Editor: Matteo Ghidoni
Contributors SAN ROCCO #2: Simon de Dreuille & Sam Jacob, Giovanni Piovene, Freek Persyn, Oliver Thill & Bas Princen, Mathias Gunz, Giorgio Talocci, Ignacio Uriarte, Giovan Battista Salerno, Michele Bonino and Subhash Mukerjee, Jonathan Sergison, Andrea Zanderigo, Erica Overmeer, Luca Trevisani, Florian Beigel and Philip Christou, Ioanna Angelidou, Virginia Chiappa Nunes and Pietro Pezzani, Joseph Grima, Yellowoffice, Anton Ginzburg, Kersten Geers, Eric Troussicot, Matilde Cassani, Pier Vittorio Aureli, 2A+P/A, Andrea Branzi, Nicholas de Monchaux, Francesca Pellicciari and Pier Paolo Tamburelli, Vittorio Gregotti, Rolf Jenni, Christian Muller Inderbitzin and Milica Topalovic, Stefano Grazian

D 15€


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Kaleidoscope Issue #11 – Summer 2011

Posted in Exhibitions, magazines, music, writing on June 24th, 2011
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Kaleidoscope Issue #11 – Summer 2011

HIGHLIGHTS: Steven Shearer by Dieter Roelstraete; Slavs & Tatars by Carson Chan; Kaari Upson by Quinn Latimer; Alina Szapocznikow by Chris Sharp; Greg Parma-Smith interview by Nicolas Guagnini.

MAIN THEME: POP RIGHT NOW: Roundtable with Bettina Funcke, Massimiliano Gioni, John Miller, moderated by Joanna Fiduccia, with a postscript by Boris Groys, and artworks by Darren Bader; Justin Bieber by Francesco Spampinato; Rashid Johnson interview by Alessio Ascari; The Dark Side of Hipness Mark Greif and Richard Lloyd in conversation.

MONO: MARK LECKEY: Lost in the Supermarket by Barbara Casavecchia; The Browser Is a Portal by Isobel Harbison; Special Project by Mark Leckey; Art Stigmergy interview by Mark Fisher.

COLUMNS: PIONEERS: Morgan Fisher by Simone Menegoi; FUTURA: Helen Marten interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist; MAPPING THE STUDIO: Simon Denny by Luca Cerizza; CRITICAL SPACE: Douglas Coupland interview by Markus Miessen; ON EXHIBITION: Jeff Koons’ “The New” by Paola Nicolin; LAST QUESTION: And What About Pop Music? answer by Scott King.

D 7,50€


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Between Art and Life – Andrea Zittel. Mousse Publishing

Posted in Motto Berlin store, Motto Zürich store on June 23rd, 2011
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Between Art and Life – Andrea Zittel. Mousse Publishing

For Andrea Zittel’s first solo exhibition in an Italian museum – “Between Art and Life” curated by Alberto Salvadori – Mousse published a monographic catalogue dedicated to this American artist, one of the most interesting, original figures on the contemporary art scene.

Published by Mousse Publishing, 2011

D 38€


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