
Posted in music on February 24th, 2008

Wooooo is it?

D 15€



Posted in Exhibition catalogue, newsprint on February 24th, 2008

2 days ago in Basel, I met the people behind Used Future. Tobias, Dan and Emmanuel are publishing zines and editions, sometimes also connected with exhibitions.

used futureused future

D 15€


Fucking good art

Posted in Uncategorized on February 21st, 2008

Fucking good art. See for yourself!

D 6€


Family Viewing

Posted in Uncategorized on February 20th, 2008

Emmanuelle Antille has a show going on at Pasquart in Bienne at the moment. She just published this fine catalogue for the occasion. Designed by Maxime Buechi, of Sang Bleu fame and also behind BP foundry.

emmanuelle antilleemmanuelle antilleemmanuelle antille

D €15.00


Buck Shots. Peter Sutherland.

Posted in Uncategorized on February 18th, 2008

Peter Sutherland released his new book BUCKSHOTS, with Powerhouse from Brooklyn. The collection is quite amazing and makes you wonder what it took to put together so many pics of deers…


Purple #9

Posted in Uncategorized on February 18th, 2008

The new issue of Purple Fashion arrived, it comes together with a Christophe Brunquell book

purple 9purple 9

Intersection version francaise

Posted in Uncategorized on February 18th, 2008

Intersection magazine started in London in 2001, and soon expanded to a US and a japanese version. Now they have just added a french edition, baked by the people at blast This first issue also features some of the best stories previously published in the other editions, and is totally worth collecting!


BUTT issue 22.

Posted in Uncategorized on February 12th, 2008

The new issue of Butt just arrived. PM Sepuya, Fred Hasted, Gary Lee Boas, …


Also we have a bunch of older issues in limited quantities, starting from issue 13. Get it quick! Already available at Payot Lausanne!


the journal in ZURICH this saturday

Posted in Uncategorized on February 7th, 2008

Michael and Julia from the journal magazine and gallery in Brooklyn will be in Zürich this saturday, with their latest issue and some cakes from Germany as we heard! Come by for some coffee at Benjamin’s Nieves Books space in Kreis 4. The new issue is thicker and features among other things interviews and portfolios from Helmut Lang, Jürgen Teller, Miranda July and a book and CD by Mark Borthwick.

coffee with the journal


Posted in Uncategorized on February 7th, 2008

Available now around Switzerland: All the 15 first issues of Mono Kultur! Few of them are in rather limited quantities by the way… Find a complete set in Payot Lausanne, Archigrpahy Geneva, Kunstgriff Zürich.

Mono Kultur