Radical Rituals – 45°N 1°W to 45°N 7°E (France)

Posted in Architecture, Documentary, geography, lifestyle on December 28th, 2024

Centered around the themes of latent knowledges, earth uprisings and beyond borders, this second volume in the Radical Rituals series is the result of a research residency by the collaborative studio forty five degrees in the summer of 2022 across France, from 45°N 1°W to 45°N 7°E.

More just spatial practices are found in the diversity and nuances of space-making paradigms that tackle local challenges while providing concrete responses and actions to global issues. In Radical Rituals, spatial protocols are collected, following an imaginary line, the 45°N parallel, across Europe, from the Atlantic Coast to the Black Sea. The practices are named rituals because they strengthen the potential for collective action to reach systemic change. They are labeled radical because they are highly transformative and point toward possible futures.

Protagonists: Cantercel Site Expérimental d’Architecture, Viel Audon, Le Collectif La Maison, 3PA association, 23 Anères, Les communes de Saint-Blaise, La Fabric Pola, Bruit du Frigo, La Ferme des Volonteux, Association La Distillerie, ArtStock, Parc Naturel Marin du Bassin d’Arcachon, Dune du Pilat, La Maraude, Les Terrasses Solidaires, and Filature de Chantemerle Longo Maï.

The book is comprised of essays by forty five degrees (Alkistis Thomidou and Berta Gutiérrez Casaos), Joanne Puzenc, and Lea Hobson, and a conversation between Elise Misao Hunchuck and Léopold Lambert.

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Odious Rot Issue 3 Troubled Waters. Odious Rot

Posted in Fashion, lifestyle, magazines, writing on October 9th, 2023
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Coming from the fire-lit warmth of OR2 Weapons & Self Protection, Odious Rot retreat to the coolness of underground caves, tidal pools and reservoir tanks. OR3 Troubled Waters is a tribute to the damp, the dank and the wet—a titanium trove dredged up from the deep.

Odious Rot is a community-focused magazine fossilising independent creatives in print. Heavily informed by world-building, each yearly issue exists as a self-contained system, within which contributors share commentary on their own work.

Odious Rot welcomes all modes of design practice, performance, poetry, prose and cultural observation in response to a chosen theme. Devoid of big brand advertising, we prioritise the practitioner, holding space for the unsung talent we feel is owed more light. A printed relic of this moment, now.

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Amaneceres Domésticos / Domestic Dawns. Carmen Espegel, Andrés Cánovas, José María de Lapuerta (Eds.). Ediciones Asimétricas

Posted in history, illustration, interior, lifestyle, photography on March 14th, 2023
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“Amaneceres Domésticos. Temas de vivienda colectiva en la Europa del siglo XXI” presenta, a partir de obras construidas, los temas principales que van modelando la vivienda colectiva europea en el siglo XXI. A través de una serie de conceptos, ejemplificados con proyectos construidos, sus editores, Carmen Espegel, Andrés Cánovas y José María de Lapuerta, proponen un lugar de reflexión y debate sobre el presente y el futuro de los espacios que habitamos. A través de 28 ejemplos paradigmáticos de vivienda construida organizados en torno a siete categorías: Conciencia climática, Recargas activas, Cuidados domésticos, Nueva gestión, Contextos urbanos, Vivir y compartir e Identidades icónicas, más un epílogo COVID se muestran los conceptos fundamentales de la nueva habitabilidad que se están desarrollando en la vivienda colectiva de la Europa de principios del siglo XXI, propiciando de este modo un debate que permita continuar avanzando en este sentido.

Textos de Carmen Espegel, Andrés Cánovas, José María de Lapuerta, Eduardo Prieto, Almudena Ribot, Hilde Heynen, Marina Otero Verzier, Elli Mosayebi, Amparo Lasén, Uriel Fogué y Javier Echeverría
Diseño: gráfica futura
Traducción: Noemí Gª Millán y Mike Lumber
Edición: Fundación ICO, Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana (MITMA) y Ediciones Asimétricas

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Double Magazine #42 – Breaking Point. Fabrice Paineau (Ed.). Double Magazine

Posted in lifestyle, magazines on November 5th, 2021
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Double 42 – Breaking Point | “If you study the root causes of business disasters, over and over you’ll find this predisposition toward endeavors that offer immediate gratification.”
– Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail.

Four covers:
Cover 1: Photography by Brianna Capozzi, Styling by Marie Chaix. Sunglasses by Balenciaga.
Cover 2: Photography by Johnny Dufort, Styling by Akeem Smith. Saint Laurent and Anthony Vaccarello.
Cover 3: Photography by Liv Liberg, Styling by Lotta Volkova. Chanel, D’heygere and Falke.
Cover 4: Photography by Tim Elkaïm, Styling by Charlotte Collet. Givenchy, Lemaire, Miu Miu and bag by Celine by Hedi Slimane.

Double is a fashion magazine offering an original and transversal point of view on the spirit of our times.

Double has an already established format: a portfolio – the most important rendezvous of the magazine with an the artist-photographer as a guest of honour; an ABC with texts written by famous journalists from the arts and cinema; a fashion section created by internationally respected photographers and renowned stylists.

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Modern Matter #19 – Rage Against The Machine. Olu Michael Odukoya (Ed.). Modern Matter

Posted in lifestyle, magazines on October 31st, 2021
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After Modern Matter’s Instagram account got hacked, we started asking ourselves: who owns our data? And how much of what’s online is really us? The new issue, Rage Against The Machine, is a rebuke to the idea that everything about us should be easily accessible—the magazine, partly shredded as if to obscure important information, is a challenge to the reader, asking them to reassemble its various parts in order to see the full picture. In print, we can do things it is impossible to do online, and remembering this is part of making a truly great magazine; creativity is never entirely about data, because it is always partly about soul.

60% of the Rage Against The Machine issue is devoted to a series of conversations about data compiled by Hans Ulrich Obrist. Other contributors include Koo Jeong A, Juergen Teller, Dovile Teller, Lily Mc Menany, Philippa Snow, Barbara Sanchez Kane, José Esparza Choung Cuy, Paul Virillo and Albert-László Barabási, Senta Simond, Phil Engelhardt.

Cover images: Artist KOO Jeong A by Juergen Teller and Dovile Teller
Styling By Jodie Barnes


MM 19 Special Thank you:
Fashion Directors: Suzanne Koller, Jodie Barnes
Fashion: Laëtitia Gimenez
Fashion Assistamt: Kornelia Lukaszewicz
Custom Fashion Designer: Jawara Alleyne
Graphic Designer: Roberto Righi
In house / Hair Editor: Franzizka Presche
Casting Directors: Piergiorgio Del Mono, Simone Schofer
Sub Editor: Thogdin Ripley

@doviledrizyte @juergentellerstudio @hansulrichobrist @jodieabarnes @koojeonga @barbarasanchezkane @paulviril @philippasnow @senta.simond @suzannekoller @laetitiagimenez @philengelhardt @ofrseoul @newdistributionhouse @serpentineuk @palaceskateboards @chanelofficial @mottobooks @artwordsbookshop @webberrepresents @artpartner @doyoureadme_berlin @clairederouenbooks @donlonbooks @sadiecoleshq @franziskapresche @beccawordingham @lilymcmenamy @simoneschofer @piergiorgio @jawaraalleyne @kurimanzutto @ricardo_righi

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Kaleidoscope #38/SS21. Alessio Ascari, Cristina Travaglini (Ed.). Kaleidoscope Press

Posted in lifestyle, magazines on June 25th, 2021
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KALEIDOSCOPE‘s new issue #38 (spring/summer 2021), coming with a set of six covers:

Designer Grace Wales Bonner talks to Rhea Dillon about elevating Blackness within fashion, looking back to her Caribbean heritage in search for beauty, nature, and spirituality. The inspirations behind her latest collections, a trilogy exploring Britain and the Caribbean as a diasporic journey, resonate beautifully in an extensive photo story shot by Marc Asekhame.

An extensive trend report titled Office Goals addresses the office intended both as a physical space and a powerful symbol of organized labor, providing an opportunity to question contemporary methodologies of working—from automation, neoliberal dystopias and the all-you-can-work freelance economy, to elevated ideas of “everywhere studio.” Within this frame, Alessio Ascari interviews Hans Ulrich Obrist, the epitome of the globetrotting curator, about how the pandemic affected his workflow, driving him to prioritize research and a decentralized approach. The report also comprises an essay by Alessandro Bava, a visual timeline by Jonathan Olivares, and a roundtable of architects and designers with ANY, Paul Cournet, Fredi Fischli & Niels Olsen, Josh Itiola, and Oana Stănescu.

Celebrated artist duo Gilbert & George, famously challenging taboos and moralism in the art world and society alike, are pictured by Chris Rhodes in the company of pro skater and multi-hyphenate Blondey McCoy—with whom they engage in an unapologetic chat about Britishness, religion, the monarchy, happiness, drugs, gentrification, and how to stay normal and weird.

In conversation with Isabel Flower, skateboarder, multimedia artist, videographer and photographer Adam Zhu discusses his commitment to safeguard his community’s powerful cultural alchemy, capturing a new generation of artists coming of age on Downtown Manhattan’s East Side.

Associated with Gulf Futurism, art collective DIS, fashion brand Telfar, and filmmaker Mati Diop, composer Fatima Al Qadiri (photographed by Charlie Engman) meets with Courtney Malick on the occasion of her newly-released solo album, which stems from an adolescent fantasy and chooses melancholy as a space for spiritual growth.

A special, limited-edition cover introduces a series of new drawings by LA artist Paul McCarthy (photographed by Daniel Regan, interview by Massimiliano Gioni), in which the scrapes the bottom of the barrel, conjuring up cheap psychology, mind-altering drugs, Trump, Hitler, and Hollywood populism, to expose the American pathology.

ABSTRACT, our text-only editorial segment dedicated to urgent research questions of our time, critically embraces the notion of counterculture, looking at it from different angles: the phenomenon of protests and the role of pleasure; the disintegration of civilized society and psycho-deflation; Detroit techno as a liberation technology. Through three essays by Michelle Lhooq, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, and DeForrest Brown, Jr., the magazine becomes a Temporary Autonomous Zone in its own right—one in which “the only possible truth is change” (Timothy Leary).

Akeem Smith: No Gyal Can Test, a special supplement created in partnership with Red Bull Arts, traverses the slippages between memory, the archive, and history, excavating the personal photographs and videos entrusted to the artist over the past decade by various family members, friends, and pivotal figures of Kingston’s dancehall community.

Also featured in this issue: Ray Johnson (words by Lucas Mascatello); Nan Goldin (words by Nan Goldin); Valerio Olgiati (interview by Martti Kalliala); Michel Majerus (words by Sarah Johanna Theurer); Rachel Kushner (words by Whitney Mallett); Joshua Citarella (interview by New Models); and Slam Jam Archive (words by Katja Horvat).

And finally, “SEASON,” the magazine’s opening section, accounts for the best of this spring/summer with profiles and interviews: Tabboo! by Allan Gardner; Aria Dean by Hanna Girma; Memphis by Luis Ortega Govela; Pol Taburet by Rhea Dillon; Art Club2000 by Lola Kramer; Grant Levy-Lucero by Jesse Seegers; Priscavera by Irina Baconsky; Nancy Holt by Cat Kron; Klára Hosnedlová by Kate Brown; The Opioid Crisis Lookbook by Patrick McGraw; Ryūichi Sakamoto by Tom Mouna; Online Ceramics by Katja Horvat; Oko Ebombo by Conor McTernan; Issy Wood by Harry Burke; Public Access by Isabel Flower; D’heygere by Madeleine Holth.

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LAW #7. John Joseph Holt (ed.). LAW Magazine

Posted in lifestyle, magazines, photography on January 12th, 2016
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LAW stands for Lives and Works. Established in 2011, LAW is a bi-annual magazine that documents the beautiful undercurrent of Britain.

We provide a window into an often overlooked and rarely documented world, because we feel that it is vital to describe and record the time we live in, whilst always pushing things forward.

Contributors: Laura Coulson, Elliot Kennedy, Nina Manandhar, Joshua Gordon, Bafic, Joe Wilson, Dave Imms, Brendan Baker, Daniel Evans, James Pearson Howes, Cieron Magat, Kara Messina, Joe Bond, Tommy Sissons, Callum Gordon, Corey Bartle Sanderson, Bryony Stone

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In Darkness. A Collaboration by Brothers Kevin & Kristian Henson. Hardworking, Goodlooking. The Office of Culture & Design

Posted in graphic design, history, illustration, lifestyle, newsprint, photography, printmaking, writing on December 23rd, 2015
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An Archive of International crust punk music, Filipino anarchist zines, Black and white punk aesthetics, anti-system philosophies, A descent into illness, a discourse on recovery

Published by Hardworking, Goodlooking


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POV paper #3. Emmanuel Crivelli & David Berguglia. La Fête du Slip

Posted in lifestyle, magazines, men on August 12th, 2015
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Swiss-based quarterly mind fucking paper about gender and sexuality, linked to the sex-positive festival La Fête du Slip. Sexy photos, illustrations, erotic fiction, reviews of porn and interesting films, records to listen, dance and fuck to, a selection of sex-positive events, as well as critical articles on theory, politics, sex-education, and lots more!

Journal, full color, under cellophane.

TEXTS BY: Viviane Morey & Elorri Harriet, Nayansaku Mufwankolo & Tristan Savoy , Michel P., Sasha Osipovich
IMAGES BY: Jean-Vincent Simonet, Louis-Philippe Scoufaras, Sinnes Dan


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E.R.O.S. #4: Man. Sami Jalili (Ed.)

Posted in lifestyle, magazines, men, writing on May 13th, 2014


E.R.O.S. Issue 4 | Man


Sami Jalili

Federico Campagna

Emma Jones

Mark Fisher

Sharon Kivland

Ed Atkins

Andrew Calimach

Saul Newman

Simon Critchley

AA Bronson

Jamie Sutcliffe

Dan Walwin

Luke Burton

Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi

Henri Gaudier-Brzeska

Richard Wentworth

Language: English
Pages: 232
Size: 18.5 x 13 cm
Binding: Softcover

Price: €12.00

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